Ok Autty and Always_Inspired are laughing their butts off because of my newest craze. Call it what you want, call me metrosexual; hey it's all good, but fellas you need to get on the exfoliating bath glove train. Straight up when I first saw them I was kind of like, "
Who The Heck Is GOING to WeaR GloveS in THe SHOWer?" Now if you really know me, then you know that I have a inquisitive mind, so I put them on and was like "WoW wAshcloThs on my HandS!" Now most of the dudes reading this will probably not admit to not using a washcloth every time they shower. Well that is not the case for me. _Here is my typical shower protocol_ Grab the soap or bodywash lather UP the Hands Bang Bang!!! on the body Rub in then rinsE! Then repeat the process 2 to 3 more times out the shower I go. Yea ladies you are like
ewwwww!!!!!!!!! so what Who cares, my body is washed and ready to go ...lol ...but now (*in my R.Kelly "The Sermon" voice) oh let me say it again ... NOW!!!!! {congregation repeats in song} NOW!!!!!- (*in my Ernie from Seasame Street Voice*)" ...Bath time is so much FUN!!!" Fellas, Fellas I know you are screaming like
hit up your local DOLLAR Tree
Drop $2 plus Tax (they charge a $1 per hand)
One Size Fits All
Race Home
Jump in the Shower
Poke ur chest out
drop some soap
on them
Thank Me Later !!!! LMAO
The skin feels so good when you get out, but wait - - - -++++ DOn'T wOrry about that area...iT feels [in my TONY the Tiger VOICE} GR-R-R-R-R-R-EATTTTT!!!!!
Trust me it won't make you less of a man to use them. Chick calls you Sissy when she sees them; Just make her make up for it later on if you catch my drift lmao!!!! But let me keep this PG
Fellas try em and if you don't like 'em you are only out of $2 plus tax. That's it - - nothing more nothing less. Now excuse me, it's time for my 5th Shower of the Day.
Written by Ran
@rannyran on Twitter
I had a male co-worker to inform me of these and he referred to them as "exfoliating bath gloves." I immediately busted out laughing. Taking a shower should not be this complicated for a dude. Get a rag and some some and call it a day. Peace!
Yo I am telling you the shower gloves are the best - Thanks for the comment
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