“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” - Muhammad Ali
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Friday, October 09, 2009
Thursday, October 08, 2009
the WALKMAN: Roscoe Dash ft Travis Porter and YT - All The Way Turnt Up
Hot Track - Check it!!!!!
If you want to download their mixtape click below
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If you want to download their mixtape click below
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the SWEET SHOPPE: Chrystiana - OURBLOC.com Model Editor
OURBLOC.com is excited to launch our newest section the SWEET SHOPPE, which will feature talented up and coming models that are hot on the scene. To kick off our new section we are featuring the Eye Candy of the moment Model, CEO and the SWEET SHOPPE Model Editor: Chrystiana.
- Introduce the World to Chrystiana the Model:
"HEY WORLD I'm Chrystiana" I started runway modeling in 2005 even though I am only 5’3. This year I started focusing on doing more print work, urban glamour, music videos.
My modeling influences are Heidi Klum (Victoria Secret Model) and Vanessa Veasley (whom of which is the editor to Show Magazine) . I chose them because they seem to have a down to earth personality, both are smart, and VERY business savvy. They are two different types of models but they carry the same sex appeal that the industry seeks. One encompasses the sexy runway appeal, and the other holds the key to Urban Glamour.
- If you could shoot with any still image taker who would that be?
- The public believes models never eat, but what about you? Do you pig out or are you more of a bird eater?
This question makes me laugh. I eat A LOT!!!! I am eating now as I am doing this haha… I think that is part of the problem in the industry everyone gets so caught up trying to look a certain way. I go through the same issues as well, especially with the area of modeling I have chosen to approach. I don’t think you should have to be a certain weight, size, height, gender, or race to be a model, thus the creation of my modeling agency back in 2006. BUT I do believe that appearance is KEY. You can’t just go out looking like whatever…. If you’re going to eat a lot like I do you still have to be healthy about it.
- Any upcoming projects?
I have LOTS of upcoming projects. I recently was named the Model Editor to Ourbloc.com so I am VERY excited about this opportunity. My company Life & Royalty Modeling is rebuilding and re-establishing itself , we have SEVERAL projects in the works for 2010. I am preparing for my website launch, and I will be featured on my first mixtape cover (when I have details I will let everyone know, no its not my mixtape haha I am just a model on the cover).
In addition, I will be featured on idreamofdollhouse.com, and a few other business ventures!!! Training for that has been fun and different… sssshhh I can’t tell you what it is yet, you’ll just have to stay tuned and see what it is.
We can't wait to see it.
- What are your hobbies, interest, etc?
I looooooove to eat, and yes that is a hobby for me haha. I love reading, shopping… I’m not so big on but when it comes to shoes, I LOVE IT! I also love writing and my first love singing; I occasionally I like to do both just for the fun of it. Don’t worry though I won't be a model/CEO turned singer haha. I may get on a stage but I’m not dropping an album haha.
What's your Facebook Fan page url?
- How can people book you if they want to use you? What do you take bookings for at this time?
- Final Question - Pudding or Jello - We ask random questions to everyone lol
Chrystiana thank you for the interview and we definitely are happy to have you on the team.
Interview Conducted by: Ran
- Introduce the World to Chrystiana the Model:
"HEY WORLD I'm Chrystiana" I started runway modeling in 2005 even though I am only 5’3. This year I started focusing on doing more print work, urban glamour, music videos.
- Typical Question - Modeling Influences ... Who are they?
- If you could shoot with any still image taker who would that be?
Still Image Taker???? LOL... that's an interesting way to say photographer
Yep I'm an interesting person HaHaHaHaHa - kidding
I don’t have any specific photographers to name because there are SO MANY great ones I
Yep I'm an interesting person HaHaHaHaHa - kidding
I don’t have any specific photographers to name because there are SO MANY great ones I
would love to work with, but I will say this… I would love to work with photographers that are very creative in their ideas and their passion for their job is just as strong as mine but they know how to have fun with out pressing the limits.
Great PC way to say it lol next question
- The public believes models never eat, but what about you? Do you pig out or are you more of a bird eater?
This question makes me laugh. I eat A LOT!!!! I am eating now as I am doing this haha… I think that is part of the problem in the industry everyone gets so caught up trying to look a certain way. I go through the same issues as well, especially with the area of modeling I have chosen to approach. I don’t think you should have to be a certain weight, size, height, gender, or race to be a model, thus the creation of my modeling agency back in 2006. BUT I do believe that appearance is KEY. You can’t just go out looking like whatever…. If you’re going to eat a lot like I do you still have to be healthy about it.
Most people don't know that the modeling industry can make anyone beautiful so they want everyone...all shapes and sizes you know. Great to know you can put some food down, Golden Corral sometime? LOL
- Any upcoming projects?

In addition, I will be featured on idreamofdollhouse.com, and a few other business ventures!!! Training for that has been fun and different… sssshhh I can’t tell you what it is yet, you’ll just have to stay tuned and see what it is.
We can't wait to see it.
- What are your hobbies, interest, etc?
I looooooove to eat, and yes that is a hobby for me haha. I love reading, shopping… I’m not so big on but when it comes to shoes, I LOVE IT! I also love writing and my first love singing; I occasionally I like to do both just for the fun of it. Don’t worry though I won't be a model/CEO turned singer haha. I may get on a stage but I’m not dropping an album haha.
- Do you have a website? If so, where can your fans find you on the net?
My website has not launched yet… So I don’t want to release the url for it, BUT it is definitely coming soon. Until then you can reach me on myspace.com/misscarter2u and twitter.com/chrystiana. I do have two facebook pages a fan page and a regular page. Unfortunately I can’t add anymore people to my regular page because I have 5000 friends on there. I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU ALL, and I have sooo many pending requests that I can’t add, so be sure to follow me on Twitter.
- Do you have a website? If so, where can your fans find you on the net?
My website has not launched yet… So I don’t want to release the url for it, BUT it is definitely coming soon. Until then you can reach me on myspace.com/misscarter2u and twitter.com/chrystiana. I do have two facebook pages a fan page and a regular page. Unfortunately I can’t add anymore people to my regular page because I have 5000 friends on there. I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU ALL, and I have sooo many pending requests that I can’t add, so be sure to follow me on Twitter.
What's your Facebook Fan page url?
If you google me my fan page should come up as well. I also can be found on modelmayhem.com/Chrys . You have to be up to date with internet sources hahaha so sorry if I have so many.
Don't be sorry that's quite impressive
- How can people book you if they want to use you? What do you take bookings for at this time?
For bookings all information should be sent to bookingchrystiana@gmail.com …. I am accepting booking offers for all styles of modeling, just include your details I will determine availability and comfort. I do accept non paying jobs, but it depends on the job and how beneficial will to my client and I.
- Final Question - Pudding or Jello - We ask random questions to everyone lol
Neither!!!! I do NOT like pudding or jello. I’m all about gummie bears though. THE GOLD BAG!!! Lol what ya’ll know about those?!?! Hahaha.
I thought you were about to hit us with the Dr. Seuss I don't like Green Eggs and Ham lol ...
Chrystiana thank you for the interview and we definitely are happy to have you on the team.
Interview Conducted by: Ran
Follow Ran @rannyran on Twitter
the WALKMAN: EXCLUSIVE !!!!! Slym and Starwalker of Heartshok Entertainment
Support Music ... This is a future Hip Hop sensation from HeartShok Entertainment
Exclusive leaks from Slym and Starwalker Mixtapes
Music Editor: Dayne Dash
Follow on Twitter @DayneDash
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Exclusive leaks from Slym and Starwalker Mixtapes
Music Editor: Dayne Dash
Follow on Twitter @DayneDash
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the TRAVEL: YouTUBE my Vacation

How many times have you went on a trip somewhere and couldn't even wait til you got back home to do a classic Mobile Upload via Facebook or Twitter? While YouTUBE is no FB or Twitter - it is our generation's way to video broadcast ourselves AND to put it simple, Marriott decided why not give this option to their guests.
Marriott International, a US based internationally known Hotel brand, has announced that their San Juan Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino property has introduced a 'You Tube Concierge'.
What does that mean to you? Now, when you visit this property, you can film a 30-second video all for the freeski! The video clip will be shot, formatted with a fab opening and closing, and uploaded to the 'San Juan Marriott Live' YouTube Channel, www.youtube.com/sanjuanmarriottlive, for guests to share.
It is so refreshing to see such a known brand, embracing the needs of their young clientale while enhancing the overall guest experience. YET, It almost seems like this feature is all too obvious OR even a tad behind its time? What do you think? .............Nevertheless, its innovative and we appreciate innovation however way it comes. Hopefully, other brands will jump on the bandwagon....
@TheAutty on Twitter
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OURBLOC.com: Quote of the Day
I never thought of losing, but now that it' s happened, the only thing is to do it right. That's my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life. - Muhammad Ali
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
The SHOPPE: Editor's Closet Sales for the Week!
Editors' Closet is having a bunch of sales that end this week at 11pm EST! Go to www.EditorsCloset.com to see what they have for you! Remember to reply to this blog with your email address or email me at theautty@ourbloc.com so I can refer you!
Hey's Luggage

Hype Handbags

More this week: Designer Watches, Andrew Clark Creations, Bajra Scarves are all having sales that end this weekend - STAY TUNED :) :)
Happy Shopping! ;p
@TheAutty on Twitter
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Seriously....................only 3 steps:
1) Get your worn-in, busted, extra dusty pair of cowboy boots

2) Grab those studs....
3) AND Punch those studs through the leather and form your own flair on the side of your boots!
I need to try these on a pair of my boots for my reggae night! Try it out and send me a twitpic so I can add right here on OURBLOC.COM... @theAutty
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
OURBLOC.com: Quote of the day
Wouldn't it be a beautiful world if just 10 percent of the people who believe in the power of love would compete with one another to see who could do the most good for the most people? - Mohammad Ali
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Monday, October 05, 2009
the POLLING STATION: Where Does the USA rank in the U.N.'s Best Places to Live?
The United Nations (UN) Human Development Index was released today. This index creates a ranking for the best countries to live based on life expectancy, literacy, school enrollment and the per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Once this date is compiled, the UN Development Programme (UDP) creates an annual list of which country is the best and worst for humans to live.
*Drum Roll Please* The Best Country to live in is...... NORWAY!!!! {Norwegians are jumping up and down cheering...Americans are sitting over to the right grumbling}
Contrary to our beliefs in this country, we as a nation actually slide 1 spot to lucky 13th overall on the list. This is yet another display reflecting that we as a Country are only a Super Power in our head rather than in reality. If you recall a few weeks ago it was reported that the United States was outside of the top 20 in broadband transmission; even though we created the Internet...smh. I think we can use these areas as a means to build rather than get upset. We can easily pull ourselves out of this recession by focusing on building more schools rather jails, building out our technological structure rather than just allowing it to rust away, and focus on educating rather than babysitting.
Here are the top 10 Countries:
Norway, Australia, Iceland, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Japan
I wonder if we will ever stop our inner fighting and infatuation with greed long enough to re-build our country into the Land of Opportunity we once were. Only time will tell, but I hope we open our eyes before we truly slide to an irreprehensible depth.
Written by: Ran
Follow Ran on Twitter @rannyran
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*Drum Roll Please* The Best Country to live in is...... NORWAY!!!! {Norwegians are jumping up and down cheering...Americans are sitting over to the right grumbling}
Contrary to our beliefs in this country, we as a nation actually slide 1 spot to lucky 13th overall on the list. This is yet another display reflecting that we as a Country are only a Super Power in our head rather than in reality. If you recall a few weeks ago it was reported that the United States was outside of the top 20 in broadband transmission; even though we created the Internet...smh. I think we can use these areas as a means to build rather than get upset. We can easily pull ourselves out of this recession by focusing on building more schools rather jails, building out our technological structure rather than just allowing it to rust away, and focus on educating rather than babysitting.
Here are the top 10 Countries:
Norway, Australia, Iceland, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Japan
I wonder if we will ever stop our inner fighting and infatuation with greed long enough to re-build our country into the Land of Opportunity we once were. Only time will tell, but I hope we open our eyes before we truly slide to an irreprehensible depth.
Written by: Ran
Follow Ran on Twitter @rannyran
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OURBLOC.com: Quote of the Day
This week is Muhammad Ali quote week. We will bring to our readership a flurry of this great boxer's candid words. Enjoy the week and thanks to our research team for this one
- "Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are." - Muhammad Ali
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- "Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are." - Muhammad Ali
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Sunday, October 04, 2009
OURBLOC.com: Quote of the Day
I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate. - George Burns
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the STOOP: Dr. Maya Angelou was never Hospitalized
It appears that TMZ.com provided the world with misinformation regarding Dr. Maya Angelou. According to Dr. Maya Angelou's staff, she was not in Los Angeles last night, nor was she rushed to the hospital.
OURBLOC.com ran with the story that Dr. Maya Angelou was hospitalized once it was reported by several major dailies and news agencies. In the future, we will aim to be a bit more patient when the source is coming from TMZ.com, even if this means we are not one of the first to run the story.
Dr. Maya Angelou we apologize and are glad that you are sound and healthy.
Written by: Ran
Follow Ran on Twitter @Rannyran
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OURBLOC.com ran with the story that Dr. Maya Angelou was hospitalized once it was reported by several major dailies and news agencies. In the future, we will aim to be a bit more patient when the source is coming from TMZ.com, even if this means we are not one of the first to run the story.
Dr. Maya Angelou we apologize and are glad that you are sound and healthy.
Written by: Ran
Follow Ran on Twitter @Rannyran
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the STOOP: Congratulations to Timberland's Newest EarthKeeper, Mr. Wyclef Jean
OURBLOC.com would like to congratulate the man who is definitely becoming the hardest working artist behind the lights, on his newest relationship. Wyclef Jean or as we know him, Clef has been selected by Timberland as the newest EarthKeeper hero.
Timberland selected Wyclef for his work and commitment to the restoration of Haiti through his grassroots organization "Yele Haiti". "Yele Haiti" was started back in 2005 by Wyclef and his primary focus is to create small scale, manageable projects aimed at renewing hope, projecting a new forward thinking image of the Haitian Youth to the World, and establishing a foundation for Haiti's long term success. More information about "Yele Haiti" can be found by visiting http://www.yele.org/.
I do not personally know Wyclef, but we have @'d [Twitter lingo for how Twitter users communicate] each other a few times on Twitter and I am a heavy supporter of Wyclef's Warriors movement, but the one thing I can say is "Yele Haiti" is his life. Many entertainers establish programs and in front of the cameras claim this undying passion for their cause, but when mainstream media is not around you very rarely hear anything about it; this is not the case for Wyclef. Clef never allows a day to go by without mentioning, discussing, promoting, or calling for his Warriors to get involved in some sort of humanitarian effort even if it's not Yele Haiti.If there is an ear willing to listen, Wyclef will share with you his passion, dream, and vision for his native land. You can only respect that and aim to be just as passionate as he is towards your own goals.
In late November 2009, the Timberland & Wyclef partnership will debut a pair of special edition Timberland Boots made from recyclable materials called "Yele Haiti Boots" which $2 from every boot sold will go to the "Yele Haiti" Organization. In addition to the boots, Timberland has collaborated with the FOSAJ Art School in Haiti to design a special edition "Tree T-Shirt" that will be sold on Wyclef's upcoming 2010 tour. At least $1 from each t-shirt sold will be donated to the "Yele Haiti organization as well. When the boots are released, the OURBLOC.com team will definitely be wearing them.We would like to encourage our Timb wearing readership to do the same. Support can definitely be beautiful.
Useful Links:
To find out more about Wyclef Jean, please visit http://www.wyclef.com/ or follow Wyclef on Twitter @wyclef.
To obtain more information about Yele Haiti, please visit http://www.yele.org/
To make a $5 donation to Yele Haiti from your cell phone, text Yele to 90999
Visit www.Wyclef.com or search OURBLOC.com to download Wyclef's latest mixtape project "Patwa Swagga Warriors Anthem." On this mixtape Wyclef took his favorite 90s Reggae/Dancehall songs and remade them. His next mixtape project is scheduled to be released on November 10, "DJ Drama Presents Wyclef aka Toussaint St. Jean", will provide a musical array of tracks on how he went from the Hut, to the Projects, to the Mansion.Wyclef's studio project is scheduled to be released on March 10, 2010 with the tour following shortly thereafter.
In the meantime, enjoy the Warriors Anthem, recently released by Wyclef which is the moniker for his Warriors Movement.
Timberland selected Wyclef for his work and commitment to the restoration of Haiti through his grassroots organization "Yele Haiti". "Yele Haiti" was started back in 2005 by Wyclef and his primary focus is to create small scale, manageable projects aimed at renewing hope, projecting a new forward thinking image of the Haitian Youth to the World, and establishing a foundation for Haiti's long term success. More information about "Yele Haiti" can be found by visiting http://www.yele.org/.
I do not personally know Wyclef, but we have @'d [Twitter lingo for how Twitter users communicate] each other a few times on Twitter and I am a heavy supporter of Wyclef's Warriors movement, but the one thing I can say is "Yele Haiti" is his life. Many entertainers establish programs and in front of the cameras claim this undying passion for their cause, but when mainstream media is not around you very rarely hear anything about it; this is not the case for Wyclef. Clef never allows a day to go by without mentioning, discussing, promoting, or calling for his Warriors to get involved in some sort of humanitarian effort even if it's not Yele Haiti.If there is an ear willing to listen, Wyclef will share with you his passion, dream, and vision for his native land. You can only respect that and aim to be just as passionate as he is towards your own goals.
In late November 2009, the Timberland & Wyclef partnership will debut a pair of special edition Timberland Boots made from recyclable materials called "Yele Haiti Boots" which $2 from every boot sold will go to the "Yele Haiti" Organization. In addition to the boots, Timberland has collaborated with the FOSAJ Art School in Haiti to design a special edition "Tree T-Shirt" that will be sold on Wyclef's upcoming 2010 tour. At least $1 from each t-shirt sold will be donated to the "Yele Haiti organization as well. When the boots are released, the OURBLOC.com team will definitely be wearing them.We would like to encourage our Timb wearing readership to do the same. Support can definitely be beautiful.
Useful Links:
To find out more about Wyclef Jean, please visit http://www.wyclef.com/ or follow Wyclef on Twitter @wyclef.
To obtain more information about Yele Haiti, please visit http://www.yele.org/
To make a $5 donation to Yele Haiti from your cell phone, text Yele to 90999
Visit www.Wyclef.com or search OURBLOC.com to download Wyclef's latest mixtape project "Patwa Swagga Warriors Anthem." On this mixtape Wyclef took his favorite 90s Reggae/Dancehall songs and remade them. His next mixtape project is scheduled to be released on November 10, "DJ Drama Presents Wyclef aka Toussaint St. Jean", will provide a musical array of tracks on how he went from the Hut, to the Projects, to the Mansion.Wyclef's studio project is scheduled to be released on March 10, 2010 with the tour following shortly thereafter.
In the meantime, enjoy the Warriors Anthem, recently released by Wyclef which is the moniker for his Warriors Movement.
Written by: Ran
Follow Ran on Twitter @Rannyran
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the STOOP: Maya Angelou is Hospitalized ... Death Not Reported
According to TMZ.com, Dr. Maya Angelou was rushed to the hospital Saturday evening for an unknown reason. Twitter and several other social media sites are reporting that she has passed away, however, this has not been confirmed by any major media house. Until then, please keep Dr. Maya Angelou in your prayers.
OURBLOC.com is following the story and when the updates are released, we will provide them immediately.
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OURBLOC.com is following the story and when the updates are released, we will provide them immediately.
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