+++UpperClassmen +++ Meet
---Freshmen Class---

My fellow upperclassmen, If you didn’t so well last year I hope you took the chance over the Summer to think about what you didn't do and change your educational ways, so you won’t make those same mistakes again. Since you know what to do DO NOT WAIT TIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not to wait till the last minute to do anything, go ahead and get it all taken care of as soon as possible.
I encourage you to choose your time wisely and think before you act. You are so close to the end don’t mess it up by doing something stupid or procrastinating.
I love the COLLEGE LIFE and thanks for checking me out on THE STOOP @ OURBLOC.com. I will be back several times a month trying to let everyone know what's goodington on the College Scene Buh Bye for Now, CEE Nicole @jussxcee on Twitter P.S. check OURBLOC.com often ... We always have hot music and a pit of Randomness
1 comment:
Nice words of advice Cee.. especially about procrastinating.. b/c that is so easy to do givin the fact that know one cares if u do your work or not.. Also, great tip for the seniors b/c it doesn't matter how long u been in school.. still make time work in your favor as much as possible..
Good good good!!! :-)
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