From jump, Irina hates on Althea for winning last week and Nicholas hates on everybody as usual. Despite, they are off to a field trip with Tim, where in the words of Heidi ' the answers are in black & white'.
They end up at LA times, the destination for the challenge and they are introduced to fashion editor, Booth Moore. This week's challenge required the designers to use Newspaper as fabric to create a look.
First reactions...Chris' sketches are sooo fab coupled with a hard bodice with a feather bottom and Carol Hanna decides to dye her paper. They are all annoyed by Shirin and her constant, annoying chatter. While, Ra'Mon is geeked by using non conventional "fabric" and truly putting his skills to work.
AT Tim's fab check in....
Gordana wants to make a political statement with her piece; Tim is initially disappointed by Althea and gives her some cool advice in order to take a better approach...he tells her to look at the paper upside down to get an abstract feel. The greatest thing is that Tim says Johnny's dress is 'woeful' AND looks like the birds (at the top of the dress) are gonna attack the dress, so naturally, he scrapped the dress and nicely, tossed that bad boy in the trash. Which begins the lie....Johnny starts his infamous lie of the steamer magically "destroying his dress" when there wasn't even a steamer in there, according to Nicholas. Not to mention, he took the remainder of the time to do a crossword puzzle. Ahhhh always a good time to do crossword puzzles!
To the runway WE GO....
Fab Judge Roll Call: Tommy Hilfiger, Zoe Glassner, Eva Longoria Parker & Heidi...
Logan has an asian inspired lil' number .... Chris and Ra'Mon again rocked it!! Chris got the WOW he was looking for, you can see that cute look to the left....
Carol Hanna made a decadent dress that looked nothing like paper.... Irina created the new alternative to fur lol .... Althea was hot -Tommy thought it was genius! Louise had amazing structure BUTTTT what happened to Gordana's political statement????
Johnny ran with the lie (of course) and Nicholas, in true Nicholas style, keeps it real for him LOL and calls him out. The whole iron episode is even more hilarious because Heidi had the nerve to ask Tommy Hilfiger how bad can an iron sputter ? AND Eva responds by saying, "Honey, Tommy doesn't iron" Lmao Lmao!!! I loved it.
Anyhoot, the verdict ....IRINA the hater wins with a fab trenchcoat (see left)! Johnny clearly gets the boot. Not for the lie but for the whack dress. But then he has the nerve to say that giving up meth was actually easier. AND I love how Tim is even amazed at the random lie. I love it!
I look forward to next week, definitely is getting more and more interesting!
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