For those who watched the show, we already know the biggest WTF moment was girly man Kayne West jumping on stage and snatching the mic from Teen Country Star Taylor Swift. Then he professed his undying love to do anything for Jay-Z by saying Beyonce should have won the award. I am pretty sure Jay had nothing to do with this; it's just another outburst in a long line of PMS moments from Ms. West. You would think by now MTV would of banned the dude from attending any awards show. The great thing is Beyonce placed a ban-aid over the swollen, teary eyed Taylor Swift's wounds when she allowed Taylor to give an acceptance after Beyonce won the Video of the Year Award. Regardless if you do or don't like Beyonce, she definitely won a ton of cool points tonight for being an adult.
The next WTF is when Lil Bow Bow, oh wait I mean, Lil Mama jumped on stage during Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes' classic show closing performance of "Empire State of Mind" off his new album BP3. Setting the scene, Jay-Z walks in and the camera shot is from behind him the whole way. Stage floor rises and the camera is still behind him; now the crowd appears in front of you as if you had a backstage to the show. Jay walks out, Alicia and the band begin to play and Jay rips it ...I mean slayed the audience like Excalibur did to dragons back in the Dark Ages. Then all of a sudden at the end of a vintage classic performance in front of millions of people Lil midget I mean Lil Mama jumps on stage and ruins it all. Not sure if she was hopped up on Red Bull and Pop Rocks or maybe she was just excited to see Jay and this was the only way he was going to accept a meeting with her. Regardless, it ruined a great performance. Ok, I guess saying ruin is harsh, but it was like adding steak sauce to a succulent medium cooked fillet mignon....just something you don't do. The funny thing is Twitter went in hard on her making #lilmamais the #1 trending topic of the night. There were some pretty hilarious tweets, go check them out.

The final WTF moment was delivered by the She-male herself, Lady GaGa. Ok we don't truly know if she is a he, so let me give her the respect she deserves. This whole performance was just weird from the beginning, but I will admit I was diggin the song. The performance was like something from Madonna's Truth or Dare tour. It was a in your face, take the children out of the room, and maybe turn the TV for 3 minutes type of performance capped with fake blood and her acting as if she died on stage. Hmmph, yep at that point she really killed a potentially great performance with antics that were very unnecessary. I guess this went along with the crazy dresses she wore all night including the one that caused her to have a real near death experience. She looked like a cartoon character in that red outfit below.
Other than that, the awards show was a bore, nothing memorable except Green Day who is by far one of modern day Rock's best performing bands in the world. Yes folks I said it, in the WORLD. Next Green Day concert that hits anywhere close to me I will be there front row.
Pink definitely wow'd with her trapeze performance. She was like a graceful punk rock sky ballerina that never missed a lip singing beat as she sang and flipped high above the Radio City Music Hall stage. If you missed her performance and her breast cover, check out, I'm sure its on there by now.
Trying to see if there was another WOW moment...hmmm... nope not at all. Muse's performance was much to ado about nothing, Beyonce's performance was better than her BET performance but still a snorer, and only a handful of awards were actually handed out during the show. Definitely not the Moon Man Awards from back in the day, but hey that's what happens when MTV [Music Television] became RTV [Reality Television].
The only true surprise of the night is the fact that Beyonce was beat out in every category but one for the awards that were handed out during the live broadcast. Here are my few surprises I wish would of happened:
- Green Day receiving 2 sets
- Kayne being able to perform just to hear the audience boo him like crazy; then watch him run off like Old boy from Friday after Debo took his chain
- Lady Gaga's face actually being painted red when she took the mask off...then have her/him come out the closet
- Female security tackle Lil Mama as she was running to get on stage with Jay
- If Em grabbed the Mic from Tracy and be like "Dude You Can't Sing and this sketch is lamer than when Sasha Cohen attempted to go down me on national TV"
- Serena Williams go in on everyone and say "Another thing about last night ...."
- While Kayne was crying...the producers turn off the mic and then he gets body slammed by security
Now that my friend would of been a memorable VMAs ... lol
Written by: Ran
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