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Thursday, October 01, 2009

the YARD: College Dating Do's and Dont's


I’m here to bless you with another valuable lesson from the wonderful world we call “College Life”.

The number one rule when you are preparing for the social life of college is to break up with your significant other. It doesn’t matter how long the high school relationship lasted, or how much the two of you are in “love” …take my advice just END IT! Once you set foot on campus, the “College Life” will open your mind and heart to a whole new world.

Now I know this may seem a little harsh, but if it really is a true relationship, it will carry on beyond High School. College is a time to experience life, you don’t want to limit yourself from talking to people who may broaden your horizons, because you never know who you may stumble across.

Now if you come to college single and looking to quickly jump into a relationship; that to is a BIG NO NO! First you barely know the person. Secondly, you just got here why is a relationship your MAIN focus when it should really come later ya know?! All i’m saying is DON’T come to college with a boyfriend who goes to another school or the same school and DON’T jump into a relationship as soon as you head to college its not worth it you’ll have time.

Think before you ACT.

Yours Truly,

Cee Nicole

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is always going to be a roller coaster, but it doesn’t have to be a wooden one – those things are painful!

college videos