Ahmad said it best, "sometimes I wish I was a kid again." My thoughts/memories that come from my childhood are priceless. I have reason to believe that I had the greatest childhood of all times..lol, no really :-)
By way of rhyme I present a little of my past...
Giggles, smiles, friends come to mind when I reminisce on the times I had. Goin back into the 80's, even the 90's fads. From singing regulators by Warren G with a group of friends on the porch, to running street races till my feet started to hurt. Boy was I quick but Jimmy was faster, the only girl on the block still able to roll with the latter... Mortal Kombat competitions, Street Fighter game nights.. whole street went from Nintendo to Sega G in one one night. Boy did we stay in accord, our parents were so great always letting us be out till what some would call late, as long as our friends' parents were around.. all our parents could relate. Remember the Lemon Heads, or Swiss Cake rolls, remember Boston Backed Beans or Chocolate Rolos? No one recalls the water melon heads but I was all over it like ya'll was on keds.. Back in the day I look up and I smile those were the good days think back for a while..
I remember setting up stage, putting my karaoke on display.. you guessed it right there's a meeting today. Jimmy and I would assemble ALL the other kids on the block to listen to us discuss our goals and intentions as we talked non stop. Yes we were long winded and loved our self given positions Jimmy as President and VP was my description. We were so serious about our offices, of course we knew what was best.. we'd go through the trouble of even being well dressed, as we presented our speeches for all to hear, the karaoke was on blast but we certainly didn't care. After the meetings it was snack party time, which was of course my forte.. everyone bring candy and I'll distribute it this way.. I made sure I had a good amount, I felt as VP I was entitled... then I'd give the rest out as music played in the meanwhile..
Well this was a glimpse, a look back into my past through memories that I hope will last.. I loved being a child having no cares to bare but I'm glad I grew up with positive memories to share...
Comment below and let us know what some of your greatest child hood memories were.. maybe we can all relate.. :-)
Written By: Always Inspired
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