Chris Brown had the book thrown at him at his sentencing in LA yesterday. The judge in the case gave Chris Brown 6 months of what she calls "Hard Community Service Time", 5 years of probation, and a restraining order keeping CB away from Rhianna unless they are at music industry events. His sentence will be served in VA beginning immediately.
The next time you are driving down a VA highway and you see the dude in the jump suit off to the side with a striking resemblance to's probably him, but I wouldn't pull over and ask for an autograph.
Seriously, I hope everyone can get pass this whole situation now that he was sentenced. We don't know what actually took place in the car; all we know is that 2 talented, young artists are caught up in some mess that they could have easily avoided. Is Juelz Santana Gonna Have to Smack a B*!$ch 

Allegedly Juelz took the Wayne Brady and Dave Chappelle skit to the uber extreme. According to Teaneck police, Juelz was arrested for making terroristic threats and possession of a weapon for allegedly threatening his girlfriend at knife point after a heated debate.
When police arrived Santana told police that it was his girlfriend who had the knife, but they did not listen and arrested him instead. He posted bond shortly thereafter.
Now this is yet another situation we don't know what happened, but its time for the police to start arresting the ladies for being the aggressor. I don't know if they have ever heard the saying "There is no wrath like a woman scorned" and all they have to do is be like he came at me so I got to jail the fellas go. I believe Court TV has a show for these type of women it's called Snapped
Santana next instead of following Wayne Brady [if you even did this] just let it go and walk away.
G-Unit Worker has 99 Problems and Women are 3 of them
Now this story is a bit confusing, so let set the scene. (*read using a Queen's English accent*) It was a beautiful summer evening in Farmington, CT. Nestled in the sprawling countryside is a exquisite home owned by 50 Cent that is truly a well to do's playground.
(*now in the voice of Ray Ray*) Now yesterday morning one of 50's workers and permanent residents of the estate was trying to get something popped off with 3 lovely ladies, but something happened and ish hit the fan. (*back to regular voice*) According to numerous news reports, I guess a dispute broke out and two of the 3 women tried to leave. Right before they hit the door, the third women went postal on the two chicks and in the process the G-Unit worker got pepper sprayed.
Now I am not sure why the dude in the picture was arrested in the first place because it appears that the women were doing all the fighting. I don't want to speculate, but I will say this, next man find some sane chicks to live the Rockstar life with lol...but hey unlike Jay this dude has 99 problems and Women are 3 of them lol. Kiss' Homies Are Causing Problems
According to reports from the Yonkers PD, two men were arrested outside of the apartment on drug charges and whatever information they provided lead to the raid of JadaKiss' apartment.
Just seems like Kiss can't avoid problems from the homies. I believe a few years ago he was caught up in a gun scandal after a routine traffic stop and searched turned up a gun underneath the passenger seat of his homie's car where Kiss was riding shotgun. Maybe it's time to let the Patna Dem roll on Kiss?
I hate to bring all this unfortunate news to the world, but I guess 8/25/2009 was bag up a Rap or R&B artist day. Hopefully we will have more positive news coming out of the industry today.
Love it, Live it, and Make it Happen
Written by: Ran
@rannyran on Twitter
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