OURBLOC.com Headlines

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Internal Memo: The Reg Dude's Drive to 1M Twitter Followers

The Big Guy In Charge has lost his mind and tonight at 9 PM EST the official "Reg Dude's Drive to 1M Twitter Followers" kicks off.

I started thinking, what will take for just a regular guy like myself [@RannyRan on Twitter] to reach 1M followers. We are going to kick off a ton of crazy campaigns to reach this number and our goal is to reach it by Spring 10. I know it will be an uphill battle, but I promise we will push it hard and strong [no pun intended lol].

Stay tuned to OURBLOC.com and Twitter.com for updates on our progress. As of 9/10/2009, I currently have 483 followers on Twitter.

Spread the message its gonna be crazy wild. if we hit the number....

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You can follow the Reg Dude's Drive to 1M Twitter Followers @RannyRan

1 comment:

Autty said...

so what # are you at? how are you gonna get it! updates updates