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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the Polling Station: Palin is Truly Smoking Something

No disrespect to former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, however, someone must check what stash of natural herbals she's smoking. After they check it, they should probably make sure she does not give a speech after smoking. It's incredible that she is still being toted as a potential candidate for the 2012 Presidential Republican nomination...I mean Palin is nothing more than a loose cannon. This is not an attack because she is a woman, this is a just me pointing out the fascinating stories she concocts in her head and no one is stopping her. Seriously, the Republican Party has taken an array of bumps on the chin and bruises to the face, but if they continue to allow her to just go out and speak from the hip, how will anyone be able take this party seriously in the future?

If you have not read yet, former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin recently spoke to the CLSA Fund Manager members in Hong Kong. In her speech she lashed out against the Federal Reserve (FED) for their role in the financial system meltdown and President Obama's agenda to expand the powers of the Federal Reserves and his Healthcare Reform plan. She repeatedly made references to how the little guy is being left out in the cold, while everyone else is getting bailed out.



Hmmm I digress, sorry for that moment of truth interruption. After graciously ripping President Obama and the FED a new one, she pointed her sights to China and demanded that a responsible China emerge. She stated that China currently has 1,000 missiles pointed at Taiwan which posed no threat to the mainland. *scratching the record* Let’s stop right here. How does she know that they have 1000 missiles pointed at this country? Why did her political speech writer allow her to even put this statement in her speech? Why not a statement like…

“China has to aim to peacefully settle their differences with Taiwan and avoid any move that could be perceived as an act of aggression…”

I believe that statement is more responsible than the interesting comments she made. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, candor has to be exercised when speaking in a forum such as this on behalf of the United States.

The one thing I do agree with her on is that the Government should not control CEO salaries, but I believe that the SEC should execute salary actions for publicly traded companies. If you want to be a publicly traded entity then the company should not be allowed to have run away salaries, however, CEOs should be justly compensated for increasing shareholder and company value.

I am sure we can continue to go in on former Governor Sarah Palin, but it will become more redundant than entertaining and probably tacky. To the Republican followers, do you really want someone who quit a year prior to the end of their term representing you for a run to the White House?

Written by: Ran

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